Thursday, January 6, 2011

Fish Oil Calculator and Mobility WOD sites

Fish Oil Calculator

The Mobility Wod

Good work everyone.  Patty smoked it today on the run.  If you see Lori hanging from 1 arm anywhere, please remind her about her buttercup status.  Push ups were strong.  I am excited about moving forward  with more skill development and increasing intensity.  Doesn't that sound fun!?

If you dig into the mobility website and start slowly accumulating time sorting out your nasty bits, it will allow you to progress much faster and feel a ton better than not paying attention to your mobility issues.

This can be and probably is harder and more uncomfortable than CrossFitting.  However, you know how all the old sayings go so I will spare you.

Also, I will try to address these mobility wods at class.

1 comment:

  1. What was the fish oil that you had recommended? I looked at the StrongerFasterHealthier fish oil that Robb links to from the calculator, but was wondering if there are good, cheaper alternatives out there, or if $40 is pretty average for a month's worth.
